Friday, May 9, 2008

Why Successful People Succeed financially ?

Why Successful People Succeed ?

Remember all successful people in the world were

(1) not the people with high degrees. Some were college drop out.
(2) not borned rich with silver spoon in their mouth.
(3) many of them had not great physical personality .
(4) They had experienced many failures before they achieved towering success.

What all of them had in common.

(1) Self Confidence and will power .Go getter and I can do attitude inspite of all odds and adverse circumstances.

(2) Focus of the lazer beam.
The Sun has thousands of kilowatts of energy, yet you can protect yourself from its power with a simple umbrella. The lazer beam, on the other hand ,with only a few kilowatts of energy can drill a diamond or even wipe out cancer.

(3) Insight into self.
Insight into other people. Insight into Human motivation. what people value most. How can you make them what you want.# Effective Communication and Listening Skills.

(4) They have sight on their definite goals.
Not just a wish list but blue prints of Practical action plan. Blue Prints of short termand Long term plans.and knows how to stay motivated.

(5) They are clear about their defined dream, purpose and priorities.
What is important and who is important. Invest time on the right thing.
Control Your time! Control Your Life !# Stay Focused like Laser Dream.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why 20 % of the people have 95 % of wealth?

Why ? Why ? Why ?

This 20% of people on the right side have 95% of all the wealth in the world. 80% of the remaining people only have 5% of the wealth in the world.

Why is this happening?

Why Business Owners and Investors have 95% of wealth in the world since they are only 20% of the overall population? Due to their financial plan, rich people's way of earning income is very different than what most of people's way of making their income.

Employed and Self Employed people's income relies 100% on their time. Their income is very limited because they make money only when they use their own time to work.If they don't work, they don't get any income. But as we all know,we all only have 24 hours a day.

Business owners and investors income doesn't require exchanging their time with money. They have a system and the system makes money for them even if they are not at a lac of work. That's why they can make more money than what others are making because their income is not limited by time or limited by location.

This is a chart from Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant.80% of all the people in the world are in left side in the two groups called "Employed" & "Self Employed". 20% of all the people in the world are in the right side groups called "Business Owners" & "Investors".

People looking for independant business without much capital and can have people
working for them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year should write in comments with their full name, city and email address.

Other blogs of Duttkumar Desai

Friday, April 18, 2008

Financial MBA in Australia

MBA with Finance is need of all corporates.

Every organisation whether small or large, has financial functions. There may be one-person unit or large corporate houses, have function of financial planning, cash flow management,Accounts, taxation, payment and revenue. It goes without saying that there is highest demand For financial personnel and professionals. Financial professional are paid highest after marketing Professionals. More and more MNCs coming to India and more and more Indian companies going for joint ventures abroad, this all has resulted in a lucrative career option for those qualified in managing the funds and financial resources of any organization.

All firms, government agencies, and organizations have a financial manager to take charge of the preparation of financial reports, conduct investment activities, and implement cash-management tactics.

Australian Economy:

The Australian economy is currently experiencing economic growth and low inflation, and is presently one of the strongest performing economies in the world and the management of these economic developments is strongly reflected by the management programs offered at Australian universities.

'Harvard style' MBA

55 Australian universities offer a variety of MBA programs. The prevailing model at the better institutions is the 'Harvard style' MBA, which provides approximately 16 diverse business related subjects, over a period of 16 months to 2 years of full-time study. The shorter (16 month) program serves as an excellent opportunity for students who are unable to pay the fees of a full-time two-year program.

Meeting ground between East and West

The best MBA programs in the country are known for the international nature of their course work, a factor that Indian students are likely to find as advantageous. Given its historical ties with North America and Europe and its geographical proximity with Asia, Australia serves as a meeting ground between east and West. More specifically, developments in Asia are subject to close academic and business scrutiny within Australia, and specific MBA courses are directed towards a deep student understanding of the Asia/Pacific region.

Institution of cross-credit subjects

Additionally, students can avail of the opportunities provided by the Consortium of Australian Management and Business Schools (CAMBS), which includes a number of institutions such as The University of Adelaide, Deakin University, The University of Queensland, The University of Tasmania and The University of Western Australia. These institutions cross-credit subjects studied in the MBA programs, an arrangement that facilitates easy movement of students between different universities. The availability of distance education from Deakin University only increases the flexibility that Consortium members can offer.

Therefore, international students have the opportunity to complete the entire course of their MBA program in Australia, or to study for a semester or trimester towards their degree at an institution of their choice. This may be facilitated by exchange arrangements between their home university and an Australian university, which can be tailored to the specific educational needs of the students concerned.

Cost of Education

The cost of education, an extremely important and deciding factor for international students is favorable in Australia, particularly when compared to the education costs in other foreign destinations. For example, international students pay AU$ 2000 per subject for each of the 16 units at the University of Western Australia, a total of AU$32 000 and considering the fact that the Australian dollar is equivalent to 62 US cents. International Students can save good money.

Resources and Facilities.

Students can note that the country’s oldest universities are the ones that are most likely to be well resourced in terms of quality of faculty, caliber of students, library, computer and other facilities.

Financial MBA in Singapore

Lucrative Financial Career

Financial management has emerged as one of the lucrative career option. Financial managers of any company are among the highest paid professionals both in India and abroad. Multi-national companies are hot destinations for candidates qualified in financial management.

All firms, government agencies, and organizations have a financial manager to take charge of the preparation of financial reports, conduct investment activities, and implement cash-management tactics.

Knowing Singapore:
Singapore is wonderful place to stay and study and for successful career.Singapore has education system that promotes excellence. You will see Singapore as is part of a progressive, cosmopolitan community. It is developed Economy, with small size of population of just four million people. It is an island surrounded by see. It is a reputable financial center, a key regional trading center, the world's busiest port, and a top location for investment. Singapore is well connected via sea, air and telecommunications to all parts of the world.

Singapore as Education hub:

Singapore has evolved from its traditional British-based education system to one that endeavors to meet the needs of individuals and seeks to nurture talents.Individuals acquire the relevant skills and abilities to survive in competitive environments and equipped for a brighter future. It has broad-based curriculum and where innovation and entrepreneurship command a premium. The strength of Singapore's education system lies in its bilingual policy (English with Malay/ Mandarin/ Tamil) and a broad-based curriculum where innovation and entrepreneurship command a premium. Having gained recognition as a mega tourism and shopping destination, today Singapore is working hard at emerging as a Global Schoolhouse. It now aims to become the education hub of Asia.

Financial center:

It has also become one of the most important financial centers of Asia. Business dealings, on a global scale, are facilitated by Singapore's high-tech communications network, which links the Republic to the rest of the world via satellite, 24-hour telegraph, and telephone systems.

Facts you must should know about Singapore.

Dress is casual in Singapore to fit with the tropical climate.When visiting mosques and temples, shorts should not be worn and ladies are advised to dress modestly. Some restaurants require male guests to wear a collar and tie, so it is wise to check first. Since the introduction of 10% service charge in hotels and many restaurants, the government has actively discouraged tipping.The four official languages of Singapore are Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English.

Student Application:

International students are required to apply for a Student's Pass to pursue a course of study in Singapore unless they are holding a Dependent Pass (DP) or an Immigration Exemption Order (IEO). Upon receiving the Letter of Acceptance from the school, the applicant must proceed to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) to apply for a Student's Pass. The School immediately upon passing the school’s Placement Test can admit applicants who are holding a DP or an IEO.

Financial Education in Australia

Education in Australia

Australia is now gaining popularity amongst financial MBA students. It is sought after study location, is gaining exposure,rapidly becoming established international destination with many high quality institutions.

Financial management, lucrative career option

Financial management has emerged as one of the lucrative career option. Financial managers of any company are among the highest paid professionals both in India and abroad. Multi-national companies are hot destinations for candidates qualified in financial management.

Business School:

The Australian Graduate School of Management, Melbourne Business School, and MGSM Macquarie Graduate School of Management rank within the top 10 business schools in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the latest QS Global Top 100 Business Schools. The country boasts 38 universities offering MBA programs. This indicates a good level of recruitment confidence in MBA graduates from Australian universities.

Lower Cost of Study:
Many students are choosing Australia over the UK and US because the cost of living is significantly lower than said countries, and living standards are comparable, if not higher. Australia is known as a highly civilized, safe, and beautiful country, with high education standards and an admirable infrastructure. Business school tuition is also lower in Australia. Most MBA programs here are 12 months, as are the standard European MBA programs. Furthermore, the country’s cities are dynamic, multicultural, and becoming more and more part of global trade, especially with other countries within the Asia-Pacific region.

The Sector of Sports

A multi-billion dollar industry, sports is one of the fastest growing sectors in terms of its scale, sophistication and linkages with other key areas of the economy. At its highest levels, sport is a professional, large-scale business undertaking, operating nationally and internationally, with major corporate, government and media involvement.

List of Universities (Indicative)

 Australian Graduate School of Management
 Macquarie University
 Graduate School of Management
 Monash Mount Eliza Business School
 University of Melbourne
 University of Queensland
 Graduate School of Management
 Melbourne Business School
 Australian National University
 University of Canberra
 University of Tasmania
 Monash University
 University of Wollongong
 University of Queensland

Pleasure with Study.

Renowned for its beautiful beaches, Australia ranks right on top of tourist-friendly destinations. Moreover, the environment is clean and the climate is mild and pleasant. International students can find numerous ways to get a taste of the recreational, cultural and sporting facilities, activities, enabling them to unwind in the moments that they can spare away from an intensive MBA program.

Selecting Right Financial Business School and Institution

Lucrative Financial Career

Every organisation whether small or large, has financial functions. There may be one-person unit or large corporate houses, have function of financial planning, cash flow management,Accounts, taxation, payment and revenue.

Financial management is that fields of management which is concerned with the management of the finances of a company or organization to achieve financial objectives.

To be Successful:Select Right Financial Business School or Institution.

It is very important to select right Business School or Institution for Success in career, Profession and Business. Students must be extra careful Before selecting college, University, Business school or Institution.Because it is most important decision and step for career planning and career success.

Choices :India, Singapore , UK, USA or Australia.

There are ample choice for students to select school, college, university or Institution and Business school, anywhere in the world.You have number of choices in India, UK, USA, Singapore or Australia.

There are ample choices for students to select school, college,University or Institution and Business school, anywhere in the world.You have number of choices in India, UK, USA, Singapore or Australia. Students should make correct choice as per their career planning.

Recognition and Accreditation:

Students should ensure that appropriate government bodies accredit the college, business school, and university. The school, college or university should be recognised by appropriate authority, market and peers.

Right Options and level of Study.

Student must be careful to ascertain that the college on Institutes under consideration Offers right option and level of study as per their choice and career planning.


Student must be careful to check and ensure that the college, school and Institutes should have competent and knowledgeable and properly qualified teacher, staff, faculty and educators.

Students must ensure that the Institutes and enough facility for learning,laboratory, workshop and other auxiliary facility.

The Institutes should have enough research facility.

Training and Industrial Exposure:

The Students must also ensure that the Institute and business school should have scope and facility for Training and Industrial exposure.


Students must verify the past history and records of Institutes and Business school about on campus recruitment.

Lucrative Financial Career

Lucrative Financial Career

Every organisation whether small or large, has financial functions. There may be one-person unit or large corporate houses, have function of financial planning, cash flow management,Accounts, taxation, payment and revenue.
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It goes without saying that there is highest demand For financial personnel and professionals. Financial professional are paid highest after marketing Professionals.

Financial management is that fields of management which is concerned with the management of the finances of a company or organization to achieve financial objectives.

With liberalization, privatization and globalization numerous opportunities have been lined up for effective finance managers in all major companies. More and more MNCs coming to India and more and more Indian companies going for joint ventures abroad, this all has resulted in a lucrative career option for those qualified in managing the funds and financial resources of any organization.