Friday, May 9, 2008

Why Successful People Succeed financially ?

Why Successful People Succeed ?

Remember all successful people in the world were

(1) not the people with high degrees. Some were college drop out.
(2) not borned rich with silver spoon in their mouth.
(3) many of them had not great physical personality .
(4) They had experienced many failures before they achieved towering success.

What all of them had in common.

(1) Self Confidence and will power .Go getter and I can do attitude inspite of all odds and adverse circumstances.

(2) Focus of the lazer beam.
The Sun has thousands of kilowatts of energy, yet you can protect yourself from its power with a simple umbrella. The lazer beam, on the other hand ,with only a few kilowatts of energy can drill a diamond or even wipe out cancer.

(3) Insight into self.
Insight into other people. Insight into Human motivation. what people value most. How can you make them what you want.# Effective Communication and Listening Skills.

(4) They have sight on their definite goals.
Not just a wish list but blue prints of Practical action plan. Blue Prints of short termand Long term plans.and knows how to stay motivated.

(5) They are clear about their defined dream, purpose and priorities.
What is important and who is important. Invest time on the right thing.
Control Your time! Control Your Life !# Stay Focused like Laser Dream.

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