Friday, May 9, 2008

Why Successful People Succeed financially ?

Why Successful People Succeed ?

Remember all successful people in the world were

(1) not the people with high degrees. Some were college drop out.
(2) not borned rich with silver spoon in their mouth.
(3) many of them had not great physical personality .
(4) They had experienced many failures before they achieved towering success.

What all of them had in common.

(1) Self Confidence and will power .Go getter and I can do attitude inspite of all odds and adverse circumstances.

(2) Focus of the lazer beam.
The Sun has thousands of kilowatts of energy, yet you can protect yourself from its power with a simple umbrella. The lazer beam, on the other hand ,with only a few kilowatts of energy can drill a diamond or even wipe out cancer.

(3) Insight into self.
Insight into other people. Insight into Human motivation. what people value most. How can you make them what you want.# Effective Communication and Listening Skills.

(4) They have sight on their definite goals.
Not just a wish list but blue prints of Practical action plan. Blue Prints of short termand Long term plans.and knows how to stay motivated.

(5) They are clear about their defined dream, purpose and priorities.
What is important and who is important. Invest time on the right thing.
Control Your time! Control Your Life !# Stay Focused like Laser Dream.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why 20 % of the people have 95 % of wealth?

Why ? Why ? Why ?

This 20% of people on the right side have 95% of all the wealth in the world. 80% of the remaining people only have 5% of the wealth in the world.

Why is this happening?

Why Business Owners and Investors have 95% of wealth in the world since they are only 20% of the overall population? Due to their financial plan, rich people's way of earning income is very different than what most of people's way of making their income.

Employed and Self Employed people's income relies 100% on their time. Their income is very limited because they make money only when they use their own time to work.If they don't work, they don't get any income. But as we all know,we all only have 24 hours a day.

Business owners and investors income doesn't require exchanging their time with money. They have a system and the system makes money for them even if they are not at a lac of work. That's why they can make more money than what others are making because their income is not limited by time or limited by location.

This is a chart from Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant.80% of all the people in the world are in left side in the two groups called "Employed" & "Self Employed". 20% of all the people in the world are in the right side groups called "Business Owners" & "Investors".

People looking for independant business without much capital and can have people
working for them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year should write in comments with their full name, city and email address.

Other blogs of Duttkumar Desai

Friday, April 18, 2008

Financial MBA in Australia

MBA with Finance is need of all corporates.

Every organisation whether small or large, has financial functions. There may be one-person unit or large corporate houses, have function of financial planning, cash flow management,Accounts, taxation, payment and revenue. It goes without saying that there is highest demand For financial personnel and professionals. Financial professional are paid highest after marketing Professionals. More and more MNCs coming to India and more and more Indian companies going for joint ventures abroad, this all has resulted in a lucrative career option for those qualified in managing the funds and financial resources of any organization.

All firms, government agencies, and organizations have a financial manager to take charge of the preparation of financial reports, conduct investment activities, and implement cash-management tactics.

Australian Economy:

The Australian economy is currently experiencing economic growth and low inflation, and is presently one of the strongest performing economies in the world and the management of these economic developments is strongly reflected by the management programs offered at Australian universities.

'Harvard style' MBA

55 Australian universities offer a variety of MBA programs. The prevailing model at the better institutions is the 'Harvard style' MBA, which provides approximately 16 diverse business related subjects, over a period of 16 months to 2 years of full-time study. The shorter (16 month) program serves as an excellent opportunity for students who are unable to pay the fees of a full-time two-year program.

Meeting ground between East and West

The best MBA programs in the country are known for the international nature of their course work, a factor that Indian students are likely to find as advantageous. Given its historical ties with North America and Europe and its geographical proximity with Asia, Australia serves as a meeting ground between east and West. More specifically, developments in Asia are subject to close academic and business scrutiny within Australia, and specific MBA courses are directed towards a deep student understanding of the Asia/Pacific region.

Institution of cross-credit subjects

Additionally, students can avail of the opportunities provided by the Consortium of Australian Management and Business Schools (CAMBS), which includes a number of institutions such as The University of Adelaide, Deakin University, The University of Queensland, The University of Tasmania and The University of Western Australia. These institutions cross-credit subjects studied in the MBA programs, an arrangement that facilitates easy movement of students between different universities. The availability of distance education from Deakin University only increases the flexibility that Consortium members can offer.

Therefore, international students have the opportunity to complete the entire course of their MBA program in Australia, or to study for a semester or trimester towards their degree at an institution of their choice. This may be facilitated by exchange arrangements between their home university and an Australian university, which can be tailored to the specific educational needs of the students concerned.

Cost of Education

The cost of education, an extremely important and deciding factor for international students is favorable in Australia, particularly when compared to the education costs in other foreign destinations. For example, international students pay AU$ 2000 per subject for each of the 16 units at the University of Western Australia, a total of AU$32 000 and considering the fact that the Australian dollar is equivalent to 62 US cents. International Students can save good money.

Resources and Facilities.

Students can note that the country’s oldest universities are the ones that are most likely to be well resourced in terms of quality of faculty, caliber of students, library, computer and other facilities.

Financial MBA in Singapore

Lucrative Financial Career

Financial management has emerged as one of the lucrative career option. Financial managers of any company are among the highest paid professionals both in India and abroad. Multi-national companies are hot destinations for candidates qualified in financial management.

All firms, government agencies, and organizations have a financial manager to take charge of the preparation of financial reports, conduct investment activities, and implement cash-management tactics.

Knowing Singapore:
Singapore is wonderful place to stay and study and for successful career.Singapore has education system that promotes excellence. You will see Singapore as is part of a progressive, cosmopolitan community. It is developed Economy, with small size of population of just four million people. It is an island surrounded by see. It is a reputable financial center, a key regional trading center, the world's busiest port, and a top location for investment. Singapore is well connected via sea, air and telecommunications to all parts of the world.

Singapore as Education hub:

Singapore has evolved from its traditional British-based education system to one that endeavors to meet the needs of individuals and seeks to nurture talents.Individuals acquire the relevant skills and abilities to survive in competitive environments and equipped for a brighter future. It has broad-based curriculum and where innovation and entrepreneurship command a premium. The strength of Singapore's education system lies in its bilingual policy (English with Malay/ Mandarin/ Tamil) and a broad-based curriculum where innovation and entrepreneurship command a premium. Having gained recognition as a mega tourism and shopping destination, today Singapore is working hard at emerging as a Global Schoolhouse. It now aims to become the education hub of Asia.

Financial center:

It has also become one of the most important financial centers of Asia. Business dealings, on a global scale, are facilitated by Singapore's high-tech communications network, which links the Republic to the rest of the world via satellite, 24-hour telegraph, and telephone systems.

Facts you must should know about Singapore.

Dress is casual in Singapore to fit with the tropical climate.When visiting mosques and temples, shorts should not be worn and ladies are advised to dress modestly. Some restaurants require male guests to wear a collar and tie, so it is wise to check first. Since the introduction of 10% service charge in hotels and many restaurants, the government has actively discouraged tipping.The four official languages of Singapore are Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English.

Student Application:

International students are required to apply for a Student's Pass to pursue a course of study in Singapore unless they are holding a Dependent Pass (DP) or an Immigration Exemption Order (IEO). Upon receiving the Letter of Acceptance from the school, the applicant must proceed to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) to apply for a Student's Pass. The School immediately upon passing the school’s Placement Test can admit applicants who are holding a DP or an IEO.

Financial Education in Australia

Education in Australia

Australia is now gaining popularity amongst financial MBA students. It is sought after study location, is gaining exposure,rapidly becoming established international destination with many high quality institutions.

Financial management, lucrative career option

Financial management has emerged as one of the lucrative career option. Financial managers of any company are among the highest paid professionals both in India and abroad. Multi-national companies are hot destinations for candidates qualified in financial management.

Business School:

The Australian Graduate School of Management, Melbourne Business School, and MGSM Macquarie Graduate School of Management rank within the top 10 business schools in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the latest QS Global Top 100 Business Schools. The country boasts 38 universities offering MBA programs. This indicates a good level of recruitment confidence in MBA graduates from Australian universities.

Lower Cost of Study:
Many students are choosing Australia over the UK and US because the cost of living is significantly lower than said countries, and living standards are comparable, if not higher. Australia is known as a highly civilized, safe, and beautiful country, with high education standards and an admirable infrastructure. Business school tuition is also lower in Australia. Most MBA programs here are 12 months, as are the standard European MBA programs. Furthermore, the country’s cities are dynamic, multicultural, and becoming more and more part of global trade, especially with other countries within the Asia-Pacific region.

The Sector of Sports

A multi-billion dollar industry, sports is one of the fastest growing sectors in terms of its scale, sophistication and linkages with other key areas of the economy. At its highest levels, sport is a professional, large-scale business undertaking, operating nationally and internationally, with major corporate, government and media involvement.

List of Universities (Indicative)

 Australian Graduate School of Management
 Macquarie University
 Graduate School of Management
 Monash Mount Eliza Business School
 University of Melbourne
 University of Queensland
 Graduate School of Management
 Melbourne Business School
 Australian National University
 University of Canberra
 University of Tasmania
 Monash University
 University of Wollongong
 University of Queensland

Pleasure with Study.

Renowned for its beautiful beaches, Australia ranks right on top of tourist-friendly destinations. Moreover, the environment is clean and the climate is mild and pleasant. International students can find numerous ways to get a taste of the recreational, cultural and sporting facilities, activities, enabling them to unwind in the moments that they can spare away from an intensive MBA program.

Selecting Right Financial Business School and Institution

Lucrative Financial Career

Every organisation whether small or large, has financial functions. There may be one-person unit or large corporate houses, have function of financial planning, cash flow management,Accounts, taxation, payment and revenue.

Financial management is that fields of management which is concerned with the management of the finances of a company or organization to achieve financial objectives.

To be Successful:Select Right Financial Business School or Institution.

It is very important to select right Business School or Institution for Success in career, Profession and Business. Students must be extra careful Before selecting college, University, Business school or Institution.Because it is most important decision and step for career planning and career success.

Choices :India, Singapore , UK, USA or Australia.

There are ample choice for students to select school, college, university or Institution and Business school, anywhere in the world.You have number of choices in India, UK, USA, Singapore or Australia.

There are ample choices for students to select school, college,University or Institution and Business school, anywhere in the world.You have number of choices in India, UK, USA, Singapore or Australia. Students should make correct choice as per their career planning.

Recognition and Accreditation:

Students should ensure that appropriate government bodies accredit the college, business school, and university. The school, college or university should be recognised by appropriate authority, market and peers.

Right Options and level of Study.

Student must be careful to ascertain that the college on Institutes under consideration Offers right option and level of study as per their choice and career planning.


Student must be careful to check and ensure that the college, school and Institutes should have competent and knowledgeable and properly qualified teacher, staff, faculty and educators.

Students must ensure that the Institutes and enough facility for learning,laboratory, workshop and other auxiliary facility.

The Institutes should have enough research facility.

Training and Industrial Exposure:

The Students must also ensure that the Institute and business school should have scope and facility for Training and Industrial exposure.


Students must verify the past history and records of Institutes and Business school about on campus recruitment.

Lucrative Financial Career

Lucrative Financial Career

Every organisation whether small or large, has financial functions. There may be one-person unit or large corporate houses, have function of financial planning, cash flow management,Accounts, taxation, payment and revenue.
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It goes without saying that there is highest demand For financial personnel and professionals. Financial professional are paid highest after marketing Professionals.

Financial management is that fields of management which is concerned with the management of the finances of a company or organization to achieve financial objectives.

With liberalization, privatization and globalization numerous opportunities have been lined up for effective finance managers in all major companies. More and more MNCs coming to India and more and more Indian companies going for joint ventures abroad, this all has resulted in a lucrative career option for those qualified in managing the funds and financial resources of any organization.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Managing your credit and debt

Credit & Debt Management

We all have a dream in life for our children and ourselves. But our dreams can land in to trouble if we fail to use our credit properly.Credit can be a great financial tool but when it is not used properly it can create serious debt problems.

Exercise care when using your credit.

You must exercise care when using credit and taking on debt. Find out the difference between good debt and bad debt, and learn how to establish credit and maintain a good credit score.

Be aware of hidden credit card fees.

Never fall trap to credit card tempting promotions. Don’t go for no Annual fees and but look for hidden fees and unexpected rate increases.

Take too much debt signal seriously.

Do you have debt that is bogging you down and keeping you from reaching your financial goals? Using credit and debt can be a powerful tool that allows you to buy a home, a vehicle, send children to college, and even provide leverage for other purchases, but when you accumulate too much debt, it can pose a serious problem.

Too much debt is injurious to health.

Uncontrollable spending and debt accumulation can affect your quality of life and your relationships with friends.

Minimum payment habit on your credit cards is dangerous.

It is dangerous and costly mistakes you can make with credit cards is getting into the habit of only paying the minimum amount due each month. While the minimum amount may be affordable, it will also cost you more money in the long run.

Budget and manage your cash flow.

You know your income and try to limit your wishes and dreams within your means. You think, plan and work hard for expanding your income. But you spend today as per your income.

You must make list of your minimum necessary expenses and prepare your own monthly cash flow statement.

Managing Your personal Finance right.

Managing Your personal Finance right.

Everybody have a dream.
All of us have a dream for children and ourselves. But we can fulfill our Dream only if we manage our finance well and start the budgeting and Controlling your finance within the budget from early life.

Start your saving early.
Whatever may be your income, control your expenses, control Your wishes and save something daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Start with RS: 1 or $ 1 per day or per week. You shall never regret in life.

Budget and manage your cash flow.
You know your income and try to limit your wishes and dreams within your means. You think, plan and work hard for expanding your income. But you spend today as per your income.

When you prepare your cash flow statement for a week or month, you clearly know where your money shall be spent and where do you stand. Discipline in personal finance is a must. When you create a budget, you begin to see how much, if any is left over.

Control Your Expenses.
When you have weekly or monthly cash flow statement or budget statement you know your means and end. You shall work to remain within your means and avoid avoidable expenses. These are this is as simple tools for cutting back on some of the little things that can add up.

Use credit Cards judicially
Credit cards are most probable tools to put you in debt trap, If you don’t use the same judicially. Credit cards are good for Connivance for not to carry cash everywhere. But don’t spend on anything just because you have not to pay cash immediately.

Never plan to pay only 5 % of card balance and you shall be paying 5 % for your life time on balance of one month. Be aware of Credit cards debt trap for happy and peaceful life.

Get rid of your debts early.
For whatever reasons and circumstance, if you are in debt trap, Don’t waste time and you shall be into vicious circle soon and you shall find hard to go out of the same. Take actions early and fast. Using credit and taking on some debt itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when you can't keep up with the payments or borrow more than you can afford to pay back, you could be in trouble. Paying the minimum on your credit cards will end up costing you thousands of dollars in interest over that period.

Read more articles in this blogs to get out of your debt trap early.
Save yourself from the vicious circle.

Plan early for your retirement.
You must plan early for your retirement. You need to start early to save for retirement. It is very important than ever to save and plan for your own retirement. You have find ways and means to save for retirement. Don’t limit yourself with feeling that you simply don’t have enough money left over each month to save. Retirement savings need to become a priority instead of an afterthought.
There are number of tax saving investments that allow for tax deductions, credits and even tax free earnings on some retirement savings.

Start Insurance early.
Insurance is most important part of your personal finance planning. You've worked hard to build a solid financial provisions for you and your family, so it needs to be protected. Accidents and disasters can and do happen and if you aren’t adequately insured it could leave you in financial ruin. You need insurance to protect your life, your ability to earn income, and to keep a roof over your head.

Provide Emergency Funds.
We are living in highly dynamic times and never know what shall happen to you and your company and your job. Anything can happen tomorrow. You need to be prepared for all eventualities. It is important to create emergency fund with specific tools.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bad Credit Card Debt Loan

Bad Credit Card Debt Loan Summary:

Credit and Debit cards should be used prudently to avoid debt trap and need have looking for loan and debt consolidation Programs to get free from bad credit problems.

Bad Credit card Debt Loan Credit Cards, boon or bane?

Credit Cards have become way of life for the most people of the country. They are definitely convenient in practical life. People, especially students carry multiple credit cards like Master card, Visa and others. But if you are not careful about your lifestyle with financial discipline, Your credit cards become curse soon. You are trapped in bad debt trap and soon you are seeking loan to rescue you.

Debt Trap to Relief Debt loan?

But you have to move on and find ways to free you from deepening your problems further. Otherwise you will soon be in the vicious circle. You have to act fast if you want to avoid feeling like you're on the run from harassing phone calls from collection agents and volley of letters asking you to send payments on you credit card debts that you can't afford, which will leave you short on other important payments.

Various Debt Relief Options:

That is why you have to examine various options of debt loans. Debt consolidation program also called by some a debt management loan, is a means to consolidate your debt. Especially when you currently have liability to make payment on several credit cards, these programs combine them into one loan.

Best option is to ask your family and friends for help without any ego, pride and embarrassment. They don’t charge interest and likely to offer the lowest payment plans around.

The simplest way to do debt consolidation with credit and other cards is to approach to card companies who offer special introductions with low rates just for trying to retain the customer and avoid bankruptcy.

Secured debt consolidation loan will have lower monthly payments and lower interest rate than what you are currently paying on all your loans.

You can examine option of credit counseling services will allow you to send them a lump sum payment that they will make sure gets to the creditors each month.

You have also option of looking into non-profit groups. They can renegotiate with your creditors to lower payments and help you avoid having to borrow money through loans or from other sources.

They are many professional Debt Consolidation options are available. You have to make online and offline research to find out genuine agencies and compare their terms and discuss the terms and option personally.

Avoid buying a quick fix offer. You should to look for reliable companies that have been accredited by Consumer Credit Counseling Services.Look at all the options now and decide what is best Debt Consolidation Program for you.

Credit Card Shopping is fun

Shopping is Fun

Shopping was known as barter activity in ancient times. People used to sell surplus of what they produce and buy whatever they needed by exchanging in kind. Today shopping has become fun and entertainment included.With new age shopping, with advent of shopping malls, television, telephone and Internet, shopping has become fun and at a speed of thought.

You have lots of choices With so many brands. You can visit malls and you can buy anything from fruits, vegetables to Furniture and Consumer durable.Shopping time is anytime, when the stores are closed, go online.

Watch TV go on your mobile phone and look at magazines. Make sure to always look at the shipping time and price, because that is when shopping outside of the stores starts to get expensive. Make sure to always spend money wisely.

Credit Cards, boon or bane?

Bad Credit card Debt Loan Credit Cards, boon or bane?

Credit Cards have become way of life for the most people all over the globe. They are definitely convenient in practical life. People, especially students carry multiple credit cards like Master card, Visa and others. But if you are not careful about your lifestyle with financial discipline, you are trapped in bad debt trap and soon you are seeking loan to rescue you.

Debt Trap to Relief Debt loan?

But you have to move on and find ways to free you from deepening your problems further. You have to act fast if you want to avoid feeling like you're on the run from harassing phone calls from collection agents and volley of letters asking you to send payments on you credit card debts that you can't afford, which will leave you short on other important payments.

Various Debt Relief Options:

That is why you have to examine various options of debt loans. Look at all the options now and decide what is best Debt Consolidation Program for you.

Credit Card Debt relief Options

Credit Card Debt relief Options

Debt consolidation program

Debt consolidation program also called by some a debt management loan, is a means to consolidate your debt. Especially when you currently have liability to make payment on several credit cards, these programs combine them into one loan.

Family and friends

Best option is to ask your family and friends for help without any ego, pride and embarrassment. They don’t charge interest and likely to offer the lowest payment plans around.

Credit Card Companies

The simplest way to do debt consolidation with credit and other cards is to approach to card companies who offer special introductions with low rates just for trying to retain the customer and avoid bankruptcy.

Secured debt consolidation loan

Secured debt consolidation loan will have lower monthly payments and lower interest rate than what you are currently paying on all your loans.

Credit counseling services

You can examine option of credit counseling services will allow you to send them a lump sum payment that they will make sure gets to the creditors each month. Non-profit groupsYou have also option of looking into non-profit groups. They can renegotiate with your creditors to lower payments and help you avoid having to borrow money through loans or from other sources.

Online and offline research

They are many professional Debt Consolidation options are available. You have to make online and offline research to find out genuine agencies and compare their terms and discuss the terms and option personally. Avoid buying a quick fix offer.


Credit and Debit cards should be used prudently to avoid debt trap and need have looking for loan and debt consolidation Programs to get free from bad credit problems.

NON profit Debt Relief

Non-profit groups and Debt Relief.

Non-profit groups are most preferable option to get relief from bad debt problems created out of debt of credit cards and other loans. Bad financial management and personal circumstances can land up people into bad loan problems and look for debt consolidation options like non-profit agencies.

Examining Non-profit group option:

Non-profit groups renegotiate with your creditors to lower payments and help you avoid having to borrow money through loans or from other sources. Genuine groups do not charge any fees for their services but ask for a small deposit. You will receive the full amount of this deposit back after you complete the program of secured credit consolidation loans laid out and administered for you by them.

Personal Research

You have to do personal research to find genuine and talk with them about their terms. In recent years, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has slapped fines on numerous fraudulent companies masquerading as nonprofit debt negotiation and debt relief organizations. Ask for information from the Better Business Bureau and other similar institutions.


Non-profit companies provides charitable services to provide you debt relief by negotiating on your behalf to get you, one single debt at lowest rates to consolidate all your current bad credit cards balance and other loans.

Personal Loan Debt Consolidation

Understanding Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation will make possible to save you money while creating a day in which the debt will be gone for good. It is great relief that your finances once again under your control

Debt Management Loan

Debt Consolidation programs are also called debt management loan. It is tool of Consolidating your debt towards various credit cards and loans into one debt. You shall also be able to get relief from high interest, financial charges and late fees. Now you have to pay only interest on new debt loan and at much lower rates plus principal amount.

Debt Relief Choices

They are many professional Debt Consolidation options are available. You have to make research to find out genuine Debt consolidation agencies accredited by Consumer Credit Counseling Services. You have and compare and discuss their terms and options personally.

Present Credit Cards Companies

You have choice of debt consolidation with one of your present credit cards companies who offer special introductions with low rates just for trying to retain the customer and avoid bankruptcy.

Home Equity Secured debt consolidation

Home equity loan will have very much lower monthly payments and lower interest rate than what you are currently paying on all your loans. It is option worth considering if you have free equity in home.

Credit counseling services

You can check and examine option of credit counseling services that will allow you to send them a lump sum payment that they will make sure gets to the creditors each month.

Other Options

You may also wish to look into non-profit groups.They are many professional Debt Consolidation options are available. You have to make online and offline research to find out genuine agencies and compare their terms and discuss the terms and option personally. Avoid buying a quick fix offer.

Affordable Health Insurance plans.

Never forget health Insurance.

Nobody knows when one is going to have health problem and shall have health-related expenses. We all know that medical facilities and treatments are very costly. So it is very much important have health insurance cover for every member of your family. It is always better to start at early age. Never forget to pay premium in time and before due dates.

Variety of health plans.

You have choice of wide variety of affordable and useful health plans. You have option to choose from individual and family health insurance, group health insurance, Indemnity plans, short-term health insurance plans, dental health insurance, and international travel health insurance. Popular health insurance companies offer various plans.

Health Insurance Benefits.

You must carefully study offer from various health insurance companies and types of health plans, combined with free online health insurance quotes, side-by-side health insurance benefit comparison and customer support.

Internet makes your job busy.

There is number Insurance agents and health Insurance consultants can provide you necessary information and guides, free. Internet can also help you a great way. You can learn all about health insurance get free online health insurance quotes, compare health plan pricesand benefits side-by-side. You have liberty to choose from a large selection of affordable health insurance plans from leading health insurance companies. You can also apply for health insurance online.

Health Insurance Portals.

There are many health insurance portals provide all the information and quotation from various health Insurance companies. There are many health insurance portals where individuals, families, small groups, and students can choose the health insurance plan that is right for them.They enable you to choose a health insurance plan from the health insurance company that is right for you.

Mutual Fund Investment for Higher Returns.

Why keeps money Idle?

The common traits among investors are to let big sums of money idle in a bank account. Whether it’s because of laziness, procrastination or ignorance of liquidity management products, most salaried and self-employed investors keep large amounts of money in their savings or current account.

Why not consider liquid mutual funds.

Banks give you 3.5% return from a savings account, or 0% in a current account. If inflation is 5%, you essentially earn negative returns on cash in the bank. It is important to consider liquid and liquid plus mutual funds, which manage short-term cash surpluses but yield comparatively high returns. They are also called cash management funds.

What is Liquid Funds?

Liquid funds are essentially money market mutual funds which invest in money market instruments like treasury bills, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, call money, and so on. Money market instruments are generally of very good quality, as assessed by various rating agencies. Money market instruments are forms of debt that mature in less than a year, that is, they are liquid.

Short-term interest rates

The maturity of money market instruments in a liquid fund’s portfolio is of short duration—generally up to six months—and hence free from fluctuating interest rates and securities prices. Liquid fund returns mirror short-term interest rates.

Liquid plus funds

Liquid plus funds are debt-oriented mutual funds which invest in money market and short-term debt instruments like floating rate notes, non-convertible debentures, partly-paid debentures, pass through certificates, and so on. Hence liquid plus funds give returns that is slightly higher than those of liquid funds.

Consider Taxation.

Liquid and liquid plus funds differ on taxation. Liquid funds are money market funds, so dividend distribution tax is 28.33% for all investors, individual or corporate. Liquid plus funds are debt funds, so dividend distribution tax is 14.16% for individuals, and 22.66% for corporates.

High liquidity

Because of the high liquidity, liquid and liquid plus funds are a convenient parking spot for your money if you are not ready to make an investment, or may need the money in the near term, or are sitting on a pile of cash. They are ideal for risk-averse investors, and popular with institutional investors.

Good Liquid Funds.

There are number of attractive and impressive liquid funds. ICICI Prudential Liquid Fund, Birla Cash Plus, HDFC Liquid Fund, Reliance Liquidity Fund and UTI Liquid Fund have been consistent performers in their category.

Crisil Liquid Fund Index

Liquid funds have fared quite well, beating their benchmark, Crisil Liquid Fund Index, across all time frames. Liquid funds have, on average, delivered annualized returns of 8% on a three- to six-month time frame.

Refer and Read Economic Times of India for many more detaied articles.

My best choice.

Making the most of volatility :Arbitrage Funds.

Making the most of volatility
In The current interest rate scenario, the rates seem to have been stable and are not likely to come down, at least in the near future. So it is unlikely that investment in income and debt funds will generate any substantial returns in the short term. Further, the liquidity scenario in the market is also highly volatile, which makes investment in liquid funds a somewhat riskier option. Hence, investors should not try to beat the volatility in their portfolio, but rather, try to exploit the volatility and generate returns from it.

Return from Arbitrage Funds.
Some investors don’t have an appetite for volatility. But some wait for it in a bull market. These are the arbitragers. They have rapidly gaining ground in the investment market by providing a steady performance. Returns from arbitrage funds have been around 8% to 9% in the past few months, which is higher than other funds in the income category. Also, the arbitrage funds fall in the “equity” category and therefore attract lower taxes than liquid funds and other debt-based options like fixed deposits.

The arbitrage opportunity takes place in the spot (cash) and futures markets. Volatile prices and overall excitement-led activity often create strong pricing mismatches between the spot and futures markets.

Let’s take an example to understand how the arbitrage opportunity is exploited to generate profit. Let’s say the share price of NRL Ltd, which is traded in derivatives segment, is Rs 100.And let’s assume that its future price is Rs 110. In such a case, an investor can make a risk-free profit by selling a futures contract of NRL Ltd at Rs 110, and buying an equivalent number of shares in the equity market at Rs 100.

On the settlement day, any change in the stock price would not matter. It is irrelevant whether the share price of NRL Ltd has risen or fallen, as you would still make the same amount of money.

This happens because, on the date of expiry (settlement date), the price of the equity shares and their stock futures will tend to coincide. Now, an investor has to reverse the initial transaction, that is, buy back the contract in the futures market and sell off the equity. So in the entire process, four transactions have taken place—buy stock, sell futures, sell stock, buy futures. In this manner, irrespective of the share price, the investor earns the spread between the purchase price of the equity shares and the sale price of futures contract.

There are several similar opportunities that one comes across when markets are volatile and are in a bull phase. Arbitrage funds will tend to do well in such a scenario. These funds also have the option of parking their money in short-term debt market funds and, in the worst-case scenario, investors will get a return similar to that from a liquid fund. The returns generated by arbitrage funds are nearly comparable to those generated by liquid funds and other debt funds. However, considering the high volatility in the market, investment in arbitrage funds would equip investors to take advantage of the same and generate decent returns. These funds are a good alternative, apart from fixed maturity plans and floating rate schemes, to beat the risks inherent in income schemes.

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